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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Words of the week #1 ♡


So today is  the "words of the week" day!
And here is the post #1!

1. Foodoir (plural foodoirs ). A memoir that focuses on food and/or includes recipes. 2009, Christine Muhlke, "

Kiss the Cook ", The New York Times, 3 December 2009: These foodoirs have become a successful subset, one part chick lit mixed with one part chicken lit.

Kiss the Cook ", The New York Times, 3 December 2009: These foodoirs have become a successful subset, one part chick lit mixed with one part chicken lit.
Did you know these words from before?
What are the new nd unique words you recently learnt?
Did u like my post?!
Have a good night! XD

2. Dramedy: a mixture of drama and comedy.

3. Infomania:  a constant action of checking one's mails or texts. A strong desire of factual information.

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